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What are the requirements for young professionals at large enterprises?


A master class "The labor market of young specialists" was held at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education within the framework of the "Professionalism" program. Reality and trends" with the participation of the HR Director of LLC "Agroholding ASB-Agro" Jolova Aishat Sultan-Khamidovna.

The master class examined the main trends of the youth labor market over the past year: supply and demand, the level of competition, wages, as well as the requirements of employers. The students learned that over the past year, competition among young people in the North Caucasus Federal District has grown, and it is most difficult for new labor market participants to find jobs in the fields of security, medicine and pharmaceuticals, as well as information technology. The most common vacancies among those offered to young professionals are positions that imply possession of basic skills and do not imply deep professional knowledge in the industry of the vacancy. In the first half of 2022 - this is a sales consultant and a sales cashier, waiter, bartender, barista and courier.

–– The goal of "Professionalism" is that already in the first year you can decide which company you want to work in, and we are preparing for this. You are doing an internship at the enterprise, the second, the third and already know what kind of company it is, what budget it has, what kind of employees. Upon graduation, you will be able to write a thesis not with figures that you took from the Internet, but based on your knowledge and experience gained at a particular enterprise.

The program makes it possible to embed a business in the educational process, to leave the university already with work experience. Previously, educational standards did not allow us to do this, but now we can adjust the curriculum and even shorten it - all this is consistent with the employer. Specialists come to you who clearly show how to work with this or that equipment, and teachers are already theoretically pulling you up, - Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Gavrilova.

Aishat Sultan-Khamidovna Jolova, HR Director of Agroholding ASB-Agro LLC, told the students about the experience of young specialists at a large enterprise. ASB-Agro is a partner company of the university, a participant of the educational and production center of agriculture of the Stavropol Territory within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism". It is one of the largest suppliers of agricultural products in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts. Cultivation, storage and sale of agricultural products are the main activities of the agricultural holding. Aishat Sultan-Khamidovna answered the students' questions: What are the requirements of their company for applicants and future young professionals? Is there an opportunity to get a higher education while working at an enterprise? Can they hire employees without experience? What stages do young specialists go through at the enterprise to become its employees?

–– We have quite a lot of experience in hiring young specialists. As employers, we are very interested in working with students, with people without experience. Practice has shown that it is easier to form a personnel reserve from young specialists. If a student does not have professional skills, but has a desire, and he is open to the team, open to some suggestions and ready to learn, then we are ready to take responsibility and teach a young specialist what we need directly. When a specialist is 100% formed, there may be a question of lapping, and this may not suit us. To avoid this, it is easier for us to work with educational institutions and recruit promising young personnel. The company strives to rejuvenate the team. The head of the economic structure is only 30 years old, he came to us after the institute 8 years ago. In general, all heads of departments are under the age of 45.

There are laboratories at our enterprises where it is quite difficult to find laboratory assistants who will be responsible for the quality of the grain that we store and sell. For a long time there was a problem to find a specialist. We went the other way: we contacted an educational institution that provides secondary vocational education, found candidates studying 2-4 courses, and selected four students who were offered employment and a certain internal program from the very first day. For half a year we invested in them, from and to told and showed our production with examples and equipment. During these 6 months, we also had a harvest - a period when everyone needed to get together and give their best. Then, for these selected specialists, we conducted a certification in 3 stages, where we looked at their professional knowledge, which they received from their mentors. There was a stage of the interview to get feedback from them and see where we are going wrong somewhere, what needs to be corrected, what does not suit the employees or they see it differently. The students also underwent psychological testing, which allowed them to determine their strengths and weaknesses, teamwork skills. After conducting a comprehensive analysis of each candidate, we saw qualitatively formed cadres, and not those green doubting students who were at the beginning. We have determined for ourselves that the formation of the personnel reserve in this way is the most optimal.

At the beginning of this year, we launched the Bring a friend campaign. This is a very working mechanism. A guy from the agrarian university came to us, showed himself well, he was hired to work for the company. After about 2 months, he told us that his friend was looking for a job. Of course, we agreed to consider his candidacy. We have closed the niche of agronomists with this program. When a responsible employee makes such a request, we understand that he will be responsible for his friends and most likely they will also show good results.

We have an internal co-financing program. If you are a well-established employee, a contract is signed with you. The company can provide financial support and pay for 50% of your studies at a higher educational institution, including master's and postgraduate studies, - Personnel Director of LLC "Agroholding ASB-Agro" Jolova Aishat Sultan-Khamidovna.

Дата новости для фото:  31.01.2023
Номер новости для фото:  4

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