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How to become an employee of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation the students of StSAU knew


A master class on a practice-oriented approach to financial technologies was held at the "ABC of Money" Business School of the FoodNet Youth Technopark of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, organized by the Stavropol Territory Department of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The students of "Finance and credit" and "Accounting, analysis and audit" of accounting and finance faculty took part in the event. The event was moderated by Vitaly Koshelev, the head economist of the economic department of the Stavropol Territory branch of the Southern State University of the Bank of Russia, and Julia Sklyarova, the head of the Financial Management and Banking Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Vitaly Koshelev talked about further digitalization of the financial market and increasing the availability of products and services for citizens and businesses. Developing information security technologies and ensuring cyber resilience is also one of Bank of Russia's priorities. The company plans to improve the system of regular monitoring of cryptocurrency transactions, including joint work with financial regulators of the countries where cryptocurrency exchanges are registered, to obtain information on transactions of Russian clients in foreign cryptocurrency markets.

The career track for a young specialist at the Bank of Russia is a sequence of work programs that lead to employment at the bank: internship, internship, employment. Each program fulfills its own tasks. Internship allows you to get acquainted with the activities of Bank of Russia, choose a direction for further professional development and decide to build a career with the company. Internships provide immersion in the activities of the bank, give an opportunity to participate in projects and work on real tasks of structural divisions, learn what it means to work at Bank of Russia, and acquire the missing knowledge and practical skills for full-fledged employment. Employment makes it possible to replenish the Bank of Russia team with strong, motivated and committed young specialists based on feedback from their supervisors on the results of internships and work placements, to reduce risks when closing entry-level positions, to train strong specialists that are not available on the labor market.

- Employment of young specialists is an integral part of the overall recruitment process at the Bank of Russia. In addition, programs of work with young professionals allow the bank to form an internal personnel reserve, and contribute to the development of the financial market by training specialists in the framework of programs of work with young professionals to work on the financial market, - said the head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Yulia Sklyarova.

At the end of the master class students took part in a financial game, where they demonstrated their knowledge in economics and analysis of economic processes. The overall score of passing all stages of the quiz was determined winners, who received valuable prizes from the Central Bank of Russia.

Дата новости для фото:  20.02.2023
Номер новости для фото:  7

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