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A seminar on the evaluation of chicken eggs and embryos was held at SSAU


A scientific seminar "Modern approaches to assessing the quality of eggs and embryos of chickens" was held at the basic department of private animal husbandry, breeding and breeding of animals of the Faculty of Biotechnology. The event was moderated by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Elena Epimakhova.

The seminar was attended by graduates of SSAU, employees of the selection and genetic center "North Caucasian Zonal Experimental Poultry Station" - a branch of the federal scientific center "All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry" of the Russian Academy of Sciences; laboratory of industrial technology for the production of livestock products of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FNAC", as well as the strategic partners of the university - representatives of the companies "Veles-Agro" and "Agrokormservis plus".

As part of the event, Professor Elena Epimakhova presented up-to-date data on egg poultry farming in the world and in Russia. It was noted that with a gross egg production of 46 billion pieces. Russia takes the 6th place in the world. The level of self-sufficiency in eggs reaches 99.6%. The leader of the student scientific society "Poultry Breeder", student Artem Boyarinov, clearly spoke about the merits of table chicken eggs, and 2nd year graduate student Ksenia Chervyakova shared the practice of evaluating eggs and embryos in a scientific and educational vivarium, which is offered to interested households and individuals to increase production efficiency.

– The students talked with production workers, people who every day face poultry and poultry farming in life, constantly analyze the data received. Our guests expressed great gratitude, they look forward to further cooperation, organization of practice with the possibility of further employment. Now there are not enough specialists in production, especially young ones, so employers are interested in young personnel with burning eyes, - shared his impressions the leader of the student scientific society "Poultry Breeder" Artem Boyarinov. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.03.2023
Номер новости для фото:  6

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