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Associate Professor of SSAU published a philosophical monograph "The vicissitudes and collisions of culture and civilization in the fate of Russia."


Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU, Associate Professor Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzynin published the monograph "The vicissitudes and collisions of culture and civilization in the fate of Russia." The book is a thoughtful and intellectual result of 45 years of philosophical study of the fate of our country.

The first articles devoted to the topic of the fate of Russia appeared with Nikolai Gavrilovich back in the 1970s. Then they dealt with various philosophical problems, including reforms, revolutions and counterrevolutions in the state. For the last 10-15 years, the focus has been on philosophical and historical issues, consideration and understanding of historical problems from the position of philosophy. The monograph "The twists and turns of culture and civilization in the fate of Russia" is the intellectual and mental result of the entire philosophical path traveled, totaling about 45 years, during which 230 scientific papers were written. Nikolai Gavrilovich worked on the book for a year and a half. It combines a retrospective view of the past, an objective view of the present and a predictive view of the future. The main topic is the consideration of the interaction of culture and civilization in Russia, their friction and collisions, the problem of the transition of the dominant role from culture to civilization.

- If a person renounces civilizational achievements, from everything, squeeze all the juice out of himself, try to make a vacuum inside yourself - anyway, some kind of culture will remain. You cannot use the term "uncultured person", there are no uncivilized people. There is still some culture. Another thing is what she is, what level she has. And if a person does not have culture, then this is already a natural being, because where culture ends, nature begins, and vice versa. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to culture in our society. It does not need to be evaluated in the context of the work of poets and writers; this is a narrow sense. Culture is omnivorous, it is wide, it is everywhere, therefore it requires much more attention, it needs to be given priority,” Nikolai Guzynin noted.

The monograph also gives a general description of Russian culture; Based on the historical cultural code, the reasons for its shortcomings in the present tense are substantiated. The monograph is presented in 35 copies. 3 are in the SSAU library and are available for reading to students, and 20 were sent to Moscow: 3 - the Lermontov Regional Library, 1 - the Federal Press Agency, 16 - sent to the Russian Book Chamber, which, in turn, will send the book to libraries countries. The presentation of the book will take place in the SSAU library. Previously, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the copies, prepare questions and be able to discuss what they have read with the author of the monograph. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2023
Номер новости для фото:  2

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