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Stavropol State Agrarian University will take part in the "Marathon of digital departments"


"Marathon of Digital Departments" is a series of informational and educational events for students, university staff, as well as employees of industrial and IT companies participating in the national project of Russia "Digital Departments". The main goal of the marathon is to tell how "digital departments" are arranged in Russian universities.

From March 13 to March 31, 2023, representatives of 111 higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, using the example of their own "digital departments", will tell how they can master competencies in the field of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, information systems development, web games and other areas for free. The venues for the marathon are organized in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, as well as in Innopolis. Viewers from other cities can join the marathon broadcast online on the website

The work of the "Digital Department" of Stavropol State University will be presented on March 15 at 10:00 in the format of a webinar. You can watch the online broadcast in the official Technology and Education group on the VKontakte social network by following the link.

In 2022, SSAU became one of 114 pilot universities in which "digital departments" were launched, allowing to receive additional education in the field of IT. Now, on the basis of the Institute of Additional Vocational Training of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, students can take a course of study on educational programs: "3D modeling and Programming", "Digital Marketing and Media" and "Programming and Databases". The implementation of the programs is based on the principles of project activity: involving not only representatives of the teaching staff of the university, but also external partners. As part of the training, practical education is provided in organizations of the real sector of the economy and the field of information technology. 

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