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Vladimir Sitnikov: Stavropol is ready to set new guidelines for the agrarian economy


Stavropol Agrarian University has launched the largest scientific and practical conference in the South of Russia dedicated to the transformation of education " Education. Human resources. Economy ".

The central theme of the conference was ensuring the economic and technical sovereignty of the country through fundamental research in the field of breeding and genetics.

Within the framework of the forum, the acting rector of the SSAU, Vladimir Sitnikov, noted that projects for the development of independent genetics will allow ensuring the efficiency and sustainability of the agro-industrial complex in the new economic conditions.

Special attention of the scientific and practical conference was devoted to the issues of increasing self-sufficiency with planting material of fruit and berry crops, the implementation of the strategic project on animal husbandry "Breeding and genetics of cattle dairy cattle", the introduction of new engineering solutions to improve the efficiency of agricultural production and the problems of sustainable development of rural areas in the South of Russia.

Also during the forum, agreements were reached on new types of cooperation between the SSAU and the leading scientific centers of Russia —Kurchatov Institute, IBH RAS, as well as Lomonosov Moscow State University. In particular, Stavropol State Agrarian University intends to open mirror laboratories to increase the level of fundamental research.

Forum " Education. Human resources. Economy" brought together more than 200 people from the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The guests and speakers of the event were heads of higher educational institutions, leading scientists, heads of advanced high-tech agricultural holdings and industry enterprises, the directorate of the Innopraktika Foundation and representatives of state authorities. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.03.2023
Номер новости для фото:  5

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