In the framework of cooperation with the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University. S. Seifulin in the Stavropol State Agrarian University organized scientific internships for foreign fellow scientists.
So, at the Department of "Mechanics and Computer Graphics" of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, a third-year doctoral student of the specialization "Agroengineering" Shyinar Ospanova is undergoing a scientific internship. Doctor of technical sciences, professor Sultan Kapov acted as her supervisor. In the course of work, a young researcher gets acquainted with the main areas of research of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, innovative technologies and new types of production aimed at implementing innovative projects under the import substitution program. In addition, Shyinar Ospanova will take advanced training courses at the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the SSAU under the professional program: "Innovative approaches in agroengineering practice using digital technologies."
— The internship allows our foreign colleagues to study the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements in Russian science, as well as to acquire practical skills in applying modern methods of scientific research in training programs, — commented the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology for Career Guidance, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nikolai Maryin.
Earlier, advanced training courses under the program "Digital skills and competencies of a modern teacher on the basis of IDPO Stavropol State Agrarian University" were held by the teacher of the department "Technological machines and equipment" of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifulin Kanat Uteulov.

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