At the Entrepreneurial Boiling Point of SSAU, a training seminar was held by experts from PhosAgro-Stavropol, a strategic partner of the university.
During the lesson, future agronomists and cadastral engineers looked into
the future of agrochemistry and learned how digital technologies are changing approaches to agriculture. In particular, the company's experts told how to achieve the maximum yield with a limited area of arable land through the service of integrated monitoring of soil fertility - the technology allows you to choose the right types, brands, dosages and methods of applying fertilizers.
Also, the company's experts demonstrated the operation of a modern automated soil sampler, which selects soil with GPS reference for further research. After analysis in the agrochemical laboratory, the data is digitized, and the agricultural producer receives a detailed map, according to which it is possible to adjust the differentiated application of fertilizers. Thus, each section of the field will receive exactly the amount required in accordance with the production task. So enterprises reduce their costs and receive consistently high yields without harm to the soil.
- Stavropol soils are among the most fertile in Russia, but there are no soils that do not need to replenish these reserves - this is important for maintaining fertility. And our region has already approached the rate of mineral fertilizer application of more than 70 kilograms per hectare. And some farms in the western regions use 112-130 kg, but this is not the limit of demand at the levels of productivity that they are now receiving, - said the head of the Department of Soil Science named after. professor V.I. Tyulpanova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Valery Tskhovrebov.

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