Stavropol Agrarian University is launching a new master's program for training specialists in greenhouse vegetable growing.
A new area of training will appear at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources. The educational program "Integrated protection and nutrition system of vegetable crops in protected ground" will be implemented jointly with the industrial partner of the university, the largest producer of greenhouse vegetables Agro-industrial holding "Eco-culture".
The program is aimed at specialists working in greenhouse complexes. Its key goal is to gain more in-depth practical knowledge of plant mineral nutrition systems in low-volume crop production and plant protection based on biological pest and disease control methods.
— Thanks to state support, greenhouse vegetable growing has received a powerful impetus for development in recent years, and today this area is one of the most high-tech in agriculture. That is why modern greenhouse complexes need narrow-profile specialists with special knowledge and skills in the technology of growing vegetables in greenhouses. And today, thanks to the effective interaction of the Stavropol Agrarian University and the ECO-Culture holding, we will be able to close the need for high-quality competitive personnel for industry enterprises,” stressed Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Maria Selivanova.
The main emphasis in the new master's program is placed on a practice-oriented approach to teaching students: profile disciplines and internships will be mastered on the basis of greenhouse farms of the APH "ECO-culture".
- By launching the program, the Stavropol Agrarian University is making a very important contribution to the training of specialists who are sorely lacking in the greenhouse industry. Especially taking into account the fact that vegetable growing of the protected type is developing rapidly - new areas are introduced every year, the collection of vegetables is increasing. For our part, we take an active part in filling the program — our chief agronomists working in the greenhouse complexes of the Stavropol Territory and the Moscow Region, not only take part in the preparation of training materials, but are also preparing to conduct classes in order to provide, among other things, practical information, taking into account actual requests of students,” emphasized Yulia Shkamratova, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department for Training and Development, ABH ECO-Culture.
The first admission of masters to study under the new program will take place in 2024.
ABH "ECO-culture" is the largest producer and investor in greenhouse vegetable growing in Russia and introduces innovative agricultural technologies into production. Eco-friendly vegetables are grown in the greenhouse complexes of the ECO-Culture holding, supplying healthy, safe and tasty products to the domestic market all year round.

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