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The address of a student's asset to youth of the North Caucasus in day of the 70 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet army in the Battle of Stalingrad

The unity of the people of Russia is a guarantee of its independence and stability of development of the state. In the millennia the people of our country lived in peace and transferred all adversities and deprivations together. Shoulder to shoulder adequately bore all blows of enemies of the Fatherland our Russian, rallying even more in the face of danger. We know that the tragedy of World War II began with fascist idea of advantage of one – German – the nations over the others. But in our country this idea was always doomed to a failure because it contradicts century historical traditions, national mentality of all people of Russia. Unfortunately, and in the modern world, and in our country, and in our region provocative attempts of our foes to throw idea of the national discord pushing together and pitting the people in consciousness of people continue to be carried out. On us, on our generation responsibility for that those ideals of friendship, brotherhoods, devotion to the Native earth which our fathers and grandfathers so valued, wasn't profaned and scolded by our ill-wishers – all those who tries to set by the ears the people of the Caucasus lies, to destroy brotherly bonds between us, the people, any more one century living here in the world, a consent and understanding. We, youth, have to say "NO! " to all these intrigues! And today, in day of memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, let into all North Caucasus will sound our amicable, powerful, uniting hearts "is NOT PRESENT! Let's not allow to blow up the world in the North Caucasus! ". And let it becomes the terrible prevention to those it isn't pleasant to whom that life on our earth is adjusted, and our region steadily develops. 

 Us nobody will force to be at war with each other! 
 Because with us MEMORY! Because with us PRIDE! 
 Because with us FORCE of life, youth, friendship and love! 
 Because in heart of each of us – RUSSIA!

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