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Students of the Stavropol GAU participated in the youth action devoted to the 70 anniversary of the termination of the Battle of Stalingrad

         Significant date in the history of the Russian people − the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad and releases of the cities of the North Caucasus from fascist aggressors − collected on January 31, 2013 student's youth of the largest higher education institutions of Stavropol Territory. In a concert hall of SKFU I passed "Day of memory of the Battle of Stalingrad". The action purpose − to let know to young people greatness of a feat of defenders of the Homeland and opportunity to join a great Victory, to feel pride of the Fatherland and participation in the heroic past. 
       The Stavropol state agrarian university was represented by numerous delegation of students and teachers. More than 100 representatives of university participating in an action, expressed the deepest respect and honored memory of participants of events in whom destinies not only our country, but also the whole world depended on an outcome of fights in the south of Russia in the winter of 1942-1943. 
       The student of the Stavropol GAU Anjelica Prytkova shook all being present by performance of the song "Let's Bow to Great Those Years" to which the hall listened standing. In completion of action the address to youth of the North Caucasus from a student's asset of the largest higher education institutions of the city was made by Nikolay Golovin (the chairman of trade-union committee of STGAU), Sergey Popov (the chairman of the Student's Union of STGMU) and Ilya Semyonov (Student Council of SKFU). They called young generation for responsibility for that "those ideals of friendship, brotherhoods, devotion to the Native earth which our fathers and grandfathers so valued wasn't profaned and scolded … by those who tries to set by the ears the people of the Caucasus".

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