On October 28, 2012 on championship of Russia in hand-to-hand fight among juniors (18-20 years), passing in Tula, in weight category to 80 kg the silver victory was won by the student 3 courses of economics department STGAU Vyacheslav Kotov. " /> On October 28, 2012 on championship of Russia in hand-to-hand fight among juniors (18-20 years), passing in Tula, in weight category to 80 kg the silver victory was won by the student 3 courses of economics department STGAU Vyacheslav Kotov. " /> On October 28, 2012 on championship of Russia in hand-to-hand fight among juniors (18-20 years), passing in Tula, in weight category to 80 kg the silver victory was won by the student 3 courses of economics department STGAU Vyacheslav Kotov. " /> On October 28, 2012 on championship of Russia in hand-to-hand fight among juniors (18-20 years), passing in Tula, in weight category to 80 kg the silver victory was won by the student 3 courses of economics department STGAU Vyacheslav Kotov. " />
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Silver and bronze - new victories in hand-to-hand fight

On October 28, 2012 on championship of Russia in hand-to-hand fight among juniors (18-20 years), passing in Tula, in weight category to 80 kg the silver victory was won by the student 3 courses of economics department STGAU Vyacheslav Kotov.
On December 9, 2012 Vyacheslav Kotov rose by the III step of a pedestal for winners, having become the bronze prize-winner of the Championship of Russia on hand-to-hand fight in weight category to 75 kg (among men of 18-45 years).
Heartily we congratulate Vyacheslav and his trainers - Alexander Aleksandrovich Rezyuk, the trainer of the highest category, and Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Zinenko, the teacher of chair of a physical education of the Stavropol state agrarian university! We trust, your gold, Glory, not far off!

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