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Young scientists of North Caucasus Federal District for Agroindustrial Complex of region and Russia


On February 8, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the II Interregional Scientific and Research-to-Practice conference "Young Scientists of North Caucasus Federal District for Agroindustrial complex of region and Russia " took place dated for Day of the Russian Science.

At the conference took part: the Rector of the SSAU, Professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Duma deputy of Stavropol Region Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev; Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Duma Committee on Education and Science of Stavropol Region Lyudmila Mikhaylovna Kuzyakova; Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs of Stavropol Region Irina Nikolaevna Shatskaya; Deputy minister of agriculture of Stavropol Region Yuriy Valeryevich Serbin, and also academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor of  Stavropol State Agrarian University Vasily Andreevych Moroz; academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor of Stavropol State Agrarian University Lyudmila Nikolaevna Petrova.

Opening the II Interregional Scientific and Research-to-Practice conference, the rector of  SSAU V.I.Trukhachev congratulated all the scientists of the University on Day of the Russian Science and noted that today at  Stavropol State Agrarian University the traditions are not kept and increased but also the new are created.  The inventors and researchers of SSAU actively find the new directions for the scientific researches.

Now at the University there are 12 members of Academy of Sciences.  The number of scientists working in one educational institution is the biggest in North Caucasus Federal District. In the structure of SSAU there are 116 innovative divisions, 32 small innovative enterprises, regional center of veterinary medicine and a scientific-experimental farm. 92% of teaching staff members have scientific degrees   − it is the highest rate in system of agrarian formation of Russia. As a result of vigorous scientific activity of higher education institution − development and innovative projects of university scientists in 2012 received over 200 awards, including 77 medals. The chairman of Committee on Education and Science of Stavropol Region  L.M. Kuzyakova in her performance thanked the Rector of  Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev for that support which he gives to the scientists SSAU, having created unique collective where young researchers work together with the honoured tutors.

Lyudmila Mikhaylovna wished all scientists of SSAU an embodiment of their ideas and development in real products.

In the speech of the Chairman of Committee on Youth Affairs of Stavropol Region by I. N. Shatskaya it was noted that SSAU managed to succeed and create such atmosphere in which young scientists adopt the experience of the senior colleagues, and all researchers are motivated for work for the good of the Russian science. «Stavropol State Agrarian University is the oldest partner of the Ministry of Agriculture. We value and are proud of these relations and willingly support your scientific rushes", − told the deputy minister of agriculture of Stavropol Region Y.V. Serbin.  At SSAU we are always ready to support young scientists. Therefore today the University is the absolute leader in the region on participation in the grant federal programs "START" and "CLEVER MAN" (more than 70 winners). And the Council of university young scientists is recognized as one of the best in Russia. The unique system of support to youth science and innovations is realized, the prize fund of intramural grants and awards makes 1,5 million rubles. Competition results on the grant and award of the SSAU Rector in the field of Science and Innovations for young scientists were declared at the II Interregional conference. Young researchers received the certificates granting the right to development of money for the unique scientific projects implementation.

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