In the Russian history there are events, gold burning on tables of its military glory. And one of them – the Battle of Stalingrad (on July 17 1942–2 February, 1943). The feat of defenders of Stalingrad is world renowned. Exactly here in 1942 - 1943 further destinies of a planet were decided. " /> In the Russian history there are events, gold burning on tables of its military glory. And one of them – the Battle of Stalingrad (on July 17 1942–2 February, 1943). The feat of defenders of Stalingrad is world renowned. Exactly here in 1942 - 1943 further destinies of a planet were decided. " /> In the Russian history there are events, gold burning on tables of its military glory. And one of them – the Battle of Stalingrad (on July 17 1942–2 February, 1943). The feat of defenders of Stalingrad is world renowned. Exactly here in 1942 - 1943 further destinies of a planet were decided. " /> In the Russian history there are events, gold burning on tables of its military glory. And one of them – the Battle of Stalingrad (on July 17 1942–2 February, 1943). The feat of defenders of Stalingrad is world renowned. Exactly here in 1942 - 1943 further destinies of a planet were decided. " />
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In the Russian history there are events, gold burning on tables of its military glory. And one of them – the Battle of Stalingrad (on July 17 1942–2 February, 1943). The feat of defenders of Stalingrad is world renowned. Exactly here in 1942 - 1943 further destinies of a planet were decided. Lessons of Stalingrad, their correct assessment and application are actual today more than ever for the certain states, and for the world as a whole. We have no right to forget about what high price paid the Soviet people for this victory. Considering special value of defeat by the Soviet armies German – fascist armies in the Battle of Stalingrad for achievement of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 and in connection with being executed on February 2, 2013 70 – lithium of this historical event at the Stavropol state agrarian university department of educational work and social problems planned a cycle of actions.
18 – On December 19, 2012 teachers of chair of philosophy and history of STGAU д.и.н. professor S. V. Janusz; д.и.н. professor S. B. Kalinchenko, к.и.н. the senior teacher E.V.Tufanov conducted a series of lectures "Lessons of Stalingrad" of subjects: "1942 – year of the Great change", "The main stages of the Battle of Stalingrad", "Historical memory of a victory near Stalingrad".
This action became the initial stage in celebration 70 - lithium of defeat by the Soviet armies German – fascist armies in the Battle of Stalingrad at university. The organization scientifically – practical conferences, exhibitions, sports competitions, and also thematic curator hours, historical readings, round tables is planned.

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