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Congratulation of the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university happy New Year!

Congratulation of the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university happy New Year!
Dear friends!

Heartily I congratulate you

happy New Year and Christmas!

2013 already on a threshold – is time to sum up the past year. the 2012th was for our university rich on events and rather successful. We remember it with pride and satisfaction from the done work.

The Stavropol state agrarian university won a victory in competition on competition of awards of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2011 in the field of quality. Our university – the only educational institution in Russia which was twice awarded ranks of the winner and the first organization in North Caucasus federal district, achieved such successes. Similar in Russia yet any other higher educational institution didn't manage to achieve.

On October 25, 2012 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev handed over delegations of our university the diploma and an award of the Winner of an award of the Government. In the performance he emphasized: "… The most important that unites all present at a hall, is a desire to work, high quality of indicators which you reach, experience of modern management and effective work. Today quality around the world became a key factor of determination of competitive advantages, and competitive advantages are an only condition in order that the country" developed.

University victory – a natural result of persistent work of all faculty and the employees: the talented, hardworking and creative persons always achieving goals. We once again proved the solvency and competitiveness, having confirmed the own high status: The Stavropol GAU – the leader among agrarian higher education institutions of Russia.

In December, 2012, for achievement of considerable results in the field of quality of production and services, Stavropol state agrarian университетубыла the international award "InternationalDiamondPrizeforExcellenceinQuality" is awarded. Selection of Winners of the enterprises and the organizations was made by the European Society of Researches of Quality on the basis of results of polls of consumers and the operating enterprises and according to criteria of model of quality of "ESQR QualityPerformanceModel". Rewarding прошлов Brussels (Belgium), where Arthur Arist, executive director of the European Society of Researches of Quality (EuropeanSocietyforQualityResearch) вручилэту prestigious award to our university.

High quality of educational services allowed our university to become the winner of National competition "The Best Training Centers of the Russian Federation — 2012".

In 2012 the Stavropol state agrarian university became the winner of the annual International award "The Best Campaign of Year — 2012" and received an honorary title "The social and responsible enterprise". This rank – the certificate of that activity of the organization is based on ethical values and democratic principles and provides social protection of each employee. In the modern world such activity is an indicator of exclusively high level of development of campaign.

At university much attention is paid to development of social partnership and creation of the favorable labor relations with collective.

In the expiring year about 300 employees of university were awarded honorary titles, awards, thanks, awarded by certificates of honor of departmental and regional level.

New projects were realized, conferences and seminars of the international and All-Russian scales are held. Last year is celebrated by victories of our students and scientists at prestigious competitions, the Olympic Games, conferences and forums. New educational audiences are open, the new faculty is created, are let out in life of one hundred young demanded specialists.

For the second time the Stavropol state agrarian university won first place in the All-Russian competition "healthy lifestyle HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION", the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation carried out among higher educational institutions.

Solemn opening of the sports university EAR complex – the biggest sports ground open-air in Stavropol Krai became an important event! The complex from three sports stadiums includes a field for the handball, two fields for game in badminton, a football field, a platform with sports shells, a field for the mini-soccer, two fields for game in volleyball and two fields for game in basketball.

The expiring year pleased us with sports victories of our students and teachers. All of us took pride when the student of our university Evgeny Kuznetsov rose by a pedestal of the XXX Summer Olympic Games in London! This victory, certainly, result of persistent work, firmness, wearisome trainings and a deep-seated faith in the forces.

I thank all for good work, professional approach to business and devotion to native higher education institution. Let new year become for us fruitful and successful, and the university will develop further so dynamically.
I wish to all teachers, students, graduate students and the staff of the Stavropol state agrarian university of successes, good and prosperity! Let coming year will be peace and safe for all of us, will bring pleasure, love and good luck in each house!

With New, 2011!

Rector, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences,

professor V. I.Trukhachev

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