On February 12, 2013 plenary session of the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science took place. Creativity. Growth", young scientists of faculties took part in it agronomical, protection of plants and registration and financial, and also young scientists of leading higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad
" /> On February 12, 2013 plenary session of the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science took place. Creativity. Growth", young scientists of faculties took part in it agronomical, protection of plants and registration and financial, and also young scientists of leading higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad
" /> On February 12, 2013 plenary session of the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science took place. Creativity. Growth", young scientists of faculties took part in it agronomical, protection of plants and registration and financial, and also young scientists of leading higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad
" /> On February 12, 2013 plenary session of the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science took place. Creativity. Growth", young scientists of faculties took part in it agronomical, protection of plants and registration and financial, and also young scientists of leading higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad
" />
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There took place the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science. Creativity. Growth"

On February 12, 2013 plenary session of the III International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science took place. Creativity. Growth", young scientists of faculties took part in it agronomical, protection of plants and registration and financial, and also young scientists of leading higher education institutions of Russia and the abroad (more than 60 graduate students and undergraduates, 14 doctors of science), more than 70 scientific articles were received. Work of conference included section meetings and performances at plenary session. Within section meetings reports on the done work of graduate students were heard. Best of them were selected for performance at plenary session.
On its results it is planned to publish the collection of the scientific works containing results of conducted researches.
Participants of conference and dean's offices of faculties recognized successful experience of carrying out joint conferences. They allow to integrate knowledge of technological processes in agricultural production with actual economic and registration and financial aspects of functioning of enterprise structures in the conditions of unstable market conditions.
The decision to hold the IV International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian science is made. Creativity. Growth" in February, 2014.

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