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Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University met with members of the Battle of Stalingrad

February 6, 2013 the meeting of students and faculty members of the University with the Battle of Stalingrad N. M. Shahzadov and P. R. Markov was in the auditorium of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Opening the event, Chancellor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, member of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Professor V.I. Trukhachev stressed that such meetings Agricultural University students with members and veterans of the Great Patriotic War for many years are the holy tradition of the University. Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans, Deputy of Stavropol Territory Duma, Chairman of Elders at the Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory A.A. Gonochenko stressed the importance of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, which became a turning point in World War II: "The battle was, in fact, the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany. But before the victory at Stalingrad were fierce, heavy fighting in the North Caucasus, in the Stavropol region, and only in January 1943, managed to finally expel the Nazis from the area. «Alexei drew attention to the importance of this meeting for the patriotic education of the youth, "it is more important to listen to those who were directly involved in fighting, record their words and their truth to no one then could not distort the history of our great country." Chairman of the City Council of Veterans, an assistant professor of philosophy and history of the Stavropol State Agrarian V. A. Kozachenko, supporting the idea, said: "A man is alive as long as it lives in memory. And for the sake of preserving the memory of the heroism of our people and we are holding such a meeting. "
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the Battle of Stalingrad members N. M. Shahzad and P.R. Markov, who had come to share the memories of the guys hard, grueling battle, a time when the army had to retreat and the time when it goes on the offensive. And also on how to restore the university went by the students in the postwar period. Veterans and responded to the questions of young people were interested in the happiest and most difficult days of the period of the letters from the front and minutes, when they learned that won.
In conclusion the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev announced to award the title of Honorary Professor of the University N. M. Shahzadov is a graduate of the Agricultural Institute in 1952, the candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of Crop, a long time to teach in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Gift to all who came to the live performances of vocal groups "Prestige" and "Joyce" and students of Accounting and Finance Department, winner of national and international festivals Angelica Prytkova.
And tomorrow, February 7, veterinary students and faculty of technology management will meet with a member of the Battle of Stalingrad, a veteran of World War II, a graduate of the Faculty of zoo - engineering I. E. Redkokashin.

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