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The meeting of the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University and chairman of the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia P.N. Koltypin

The meeting of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev and chairman of the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia P.N. Koltypin with students of Stavropol State Agrarian University wad in .February 15, 2013.The event was part of a joint pilot project "The financial skills workshops in schools and colleges."
The meeting was opened by the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Stavropol Territory Duma deputy Vladimir Trukhachev. He noted that the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia is a strategic partner of the Agricultural University, in cooperation with which the university is constantly master classes, public lectures and workshops on various topics. Over the past seven years, more than 1,000 students were members of the Savings Bank of Russia, and the practice had gone about 600 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Chairman of the North Caucasus Bank Sberbank of Russia P. N.Koltypin added that 90% of all students of Agricultural University, past practice in the Savings Bank, began its employees, and in general every ninth employee graduated from the Stavropol State Agrarian University, and many of the graduates hold leadership positions in the bank.
P. N. Koltypin said that the choice of the Stavropol State Agrarian University as a launching pad for a project to improve the financial literacy of young people is not accidental. "University headed by such a dynamic and creative person like V.I. Trukhachev, and it allows university administratively and technically developed, sets challenging goals and successfully solve them. You are an innovative university, moreover, as a twice winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, you have become the standard among all other universities for the quality of education. And we also learn from you and you want to match. A project in which our knowledge is combined with the potential of your team, provide a synergistic effect. " The "The financial skills workshops at schools and universities" is a pilot in the North Caucasus Federal District. His goal is to increase the financial skills of young people and the formation of an independent financial behavior and basic communication skills with finances. In the first phase of the training center specialists North Caucasus Bank Sberbank of Russia held classes with future "multipliers" of the project - the students of the university. Now, in the second phase, "multipliers" together with their mentors to share their knowledge, skills and abilities with all interested students and schoolchildren. At the meeting, 26 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented certificates of successful completion of training under the program of "Sberbank of Russia" "
The financial skills at schools and universities." After the original blitz conducted during which students asked their questions the chairman of the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia P.N. Koltypin. Students interested in the role of young professionals in the development of the bank and deposit it as the work of the entire structure of the Savings Bank of Russia, and in the banking sector of the North Caucasus Federal District, the candidates with which education is given priority in employment, protection from fraudulent schemes, Internet technologies, and even the same as chairman, despite his busy schedule, manages to find time for sports.
At the end of the event the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V. I. Trukhachev thanked all members of the university and the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia, responsible for the preparation and implementation of the "The financial skills workshops at schools and colleges."


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