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Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were among the winners of the VI Winter Universiade


      Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the in arm wrestling championship which was held on the basis of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy from 14 to 17of February 2013. The competition was held at the VI Winter Universiadeof Russian Agriculture Ministry of universities. Among the winners was the student of Economic faculty Marat Mamhetov who took the I place in the category of 90 kg, a student of Economic faculty Ismail Kapushev, who took II place in the category up to 65 kg, and a student of the Electroenergetic faculty Sergey Izotov, who became the owner of the II place in the category of more than 100 kg . The finalists of the tournament became a student of the Electroenergetic Faculty Sergey Danigezyan, a student of the Economic faculty Temirlan Hatuaev, a student of Agronomy Faculty Madina Satybalova, who took the 4-th place in their categories. In the overall competition the team of Stavropol SAU took the 6-th team place out of 25 high schools that participated in the championship. 

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