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Choice of students for the program of postgraduate training APOLLO


    On the 19-th of February, 2013 there was a choice of postgraduate training APOLLO participants in the Stavropol Agricultural University. Graduates of agricultural universities – bachelors, masters and experts in the field of agricultural mechanization, agronomy – processing of agricultural products, livestock, etc.can participate in the program “Trainee”. Applicants must have good knowledge of English and / or German, high motivation and practice in Western Europe or the U.S.

    Students who pass the competition successfullywill havepracticaltraining for four months at the agricultural enterprises in Germany and take part in the educational seminars and trainings. As a result of the program they will receive a certificate. Participants will also be provided with free accommodation, food, insurance, moving to Germany and back andget a monthly scholarship.

    In Stavropol, the choice of participants was conducted bythe head of the study placement program Inna Bochulyaand theleader of training program for teachers Bernd Böttcher. They noted that the “Trainee” program is organized for training young professionals from Eastern Europe, who after completion will apply their skills in agriculture in their countries.

    APOLLO Association conducts an educational program of postgraduate training commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Germany, in close cooperation with the Eastern Committee of German Economy, Engineering Union of Germany and agricultural companies in Germany. 

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