In the museum of the Stavropol State Agrarian Universitythe thematic lectures dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders were held in celebration of the Motherland DefendersDay on the 18-th, 19-th and 20-th of February 2013 " /> In the museum of the Stavropol State Agrarian Universitythe thematic lectures dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders were held in celebration of the Motherland DefendersDay on the 18-th, 19-th and 20-th of February 2013 " /> In the museum of the Stavropol State Agrarian Universitythe thematic lectures dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders were held in celebration of the Motherland DefendersDay on the 18-th, 19-th and 20-th of February 2013 " /> In the museum of the Stavropol State Agrarian Universitythe thematic lectures dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders were held in celebration of the Motherland DefendersDay on the 18-th, 19-th and 20-th of February 2013 " />
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Thematic lectures of Philosophy and History Department were held in the Museum of the University for students of Economic, Agronomic and Financial Accounting Departments of the University

In the museum of the Stavropol State Agrarian Universitythe thematic lectures dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders were held in celebration of the Motherland DefendersDay on the 18-th, 19-th and 20-th of February 2013. Thematic lectures were heard by the students of Economic, Agronomic, Accounting and Financial Departments of the University.
This event was prepared by teachers of the Philosophy and History Department S.B. Kalinchenko, S.V.Janush and E.V. Tufanov.
Professor of the Department Sergey Vladimirovich Janushtold the guests of the museum about the history of the Stalingrad Battle, the release of the North Caucasus from Nazi invaders, the invaluable contribution of the Soviet troops to victory in the Great Patriotic War.
 "The most valuable thing in our lives is peace and stability, therefore not by chance you have heard about the 70-th anniversary of the Stalingrad Battleand the liberation of the North Caucasus from the Nazis before the Day of Fatherland Defenders. This holiday has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor! The memory of the Great Patriotic War veterans should always live in the hearts of each of us, and pass on from generation to generation!”– said at the end of his speech, Professor of Philosophy and HistoryDepartment S.V. Janush.

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