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University sports day took place at Stavropol State Agrarian University

On February 26th, 2013 in a sports complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University took place the University sports day between the University teams of Accounting and Finance Faculty. Freshmen of the profiles "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit", "Taxes and Taxation" fought for the victory.
Participants of competitions competed in force, dexterity, fancy footwork and speed. All teams showed good results of physical preparation and tried to bring a victory to the team. The relays on dexterity and speed were prepared for students: with balls and hoops. On the results of relays the most dexterous were students of the first course of Finance and Credit profile ("Dates"), the second place was taken by the team of the "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" profile ("Legion" team), first course students of the Taxes and Taxation profile (" The Champions" team) became the third.
All participants were awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes, also received positive emotions and energy boost. Fans actively supported the teams and it, undoubtedly, gave force to participants of competitions.

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