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Congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the International Women's Day

Congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the International Women's Day

Lovely women!

Congratulations on the wonderful spring holiday of the International Women's Day - March 8!

At this bright day all men send congratulations and give flowers to you – to our dear and beloved mothers, wives, daughters and sisters.

Today we want to express our admiration to you and thank you because you give a life, surround children with care and affection, wisdom and patience.

We, men, cannot imagine our life without you, your love, attention and your concern, as well as we do not see society without the active and fruitful work of women.

Really smart and talented women work at our university. There are victories and achievements of the University thanks to your endurance and hard work, intelligence and responsibility, ability of setting priorities.

Thank you for your support and understanding, the great ability to make the world more beautiful, happier and kinder. I wish you all good health, good mood, love and family happiness! Have as little as possible anxiety and distress in your life! And let the care and attention that you get at this wonderful holiday from your relatives and friends be always around you! Be happy and loved for many, many years!

Rector of Stavropol State Agricultural University,

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences,


Stavropol Duma Deputy                                                                                                                                               V.I. Trukhachev 

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