On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held " /> On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held " /> On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held " /> On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held " />
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Events on military - patriotic theme were held for the freshmen.

On the 4th and 6 th of March, 2013 at Stavropol State Agrarian University the round work tables on the subjects "Problems of Interethnic Relations in Stavropol Region and the Way of Solution", " The 70-th anniversary of Stalingrad Battle " and quizes on the subject "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 were held.
The events for freshmen of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, Accounting and Finance Faculty and Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture were carried out by the associate professor N. G. Guzynin, professor S. B. Kalinchenko, professor S. V. Yanush and associate professor V.I.Kurchev (Philosophy and History Department).
The quizes were held in the form of competition in personal and command priority between students of Agricultural Mechanization Faculty and the Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture between groups of the first course of Accounting and Finance Faculty. The student of the Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture Sergey Beglaryan and the student of Accounting and Finance faculty Zukhra Uzdenova became the winners of the quiz in personal superiority. The Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture and the 1st group of the 1st course of Accounting and Finance Faculty won a victory in a command priority.

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