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SSAU team won the final game, "New Farmer"


Team of the Economic Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has won the intellectual business game "New Farmer". The students have presented a business plan "Ostrich villa" to the jury.

Of 33 teams who came to present their projects to Moscow, three winners were chosen who will be recommended to participate in the federal departmental target program "New Farmer". So, the business plans of the winners will receive a very real opportunity to become a reality. The top three, consisting of teams of the Stavropol and the Saratov State Agrarian Universities, the Kostroma Agricultural Academy, did not distribute the first, second and third places. But according the points earned for the project itself, its presentation and promotional video, the leader was the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The project was prepared and presented by students of 4th and 5th courses with a specialization in "Economics and Management of agroindustrial complexes" Alina Askadullina, Michael Fedirko, Vladislav Sinyakov, Yuri Bluzhiny, Alexandr Korelov under the direction of the Department of business and the global economy teachers, the candidate of economic sciences, professor N.Y. Ermakova, the candidate of economic sciences, professor T.N. Kostyuchenko and the candidate of economic sciences associate professor A.V. Tenishchev.

The game "New Farmer" was held by the Russian Union of village youth with the support of Ministry of Russia’s Agriculture in order to develop students' skills in agriculture business planning, as well as management, economics and management of agricultural organizations, data collection and analysis, development of management decisions and the ability to work in a team .

The day after the final of business game the state secretary, the deputy minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexandr V. Petrik met the captains of the participating teams of federal stage play. Turning to the boys, he said that in today's changing environment, agrarian youth must know the mechanisms operating in the member states of the World Trade Organization, that new projects meet the requirements of the WTO and were competitive. "It is necessary to create a layer of creative young people who will drive forward the development of the industry", - noted Alexander Vasilyevich.


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