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Grand prix for student celebration competition “Maslenitsa Festival. Reload”

March 16th, 2013: the celebrations devoted to Maslenitsa Festival were held in Stavropol Victory Park. The joky competitions, quizzes and the vast concert program were waiting for the citizens the whole day. And, of course, they set up with hot tea and pancakes.
The SSAU students took an active part in the celebration. The bright yard with the delicious eats and drinks attracted all visitors, and the special attention was paid to the unusual Maslenitsa jack-straws: one of them represented the Russian girl, the other one – the popular Jack and Rose from “Titanic”. The last couple symbolized the most spring feeling – love, and by burning it the young people wanted to bridge over all difficulties on the studentship way.
The vocal quartet “Prestige” performance with their song “Rose” was the creative present for all park’s visitors. During the popular and rousing song the rest of SSAU volunteers swept all spectators with dancing.
Stavropol Administration Division of Youth Services appreciated the energy and creative spirit of SSAU students and awarded them with the Grand prix for student celebration competition “Maslenitsa Festival. Reload”.
By prize distribution the compere noticed that “the Agrarian University is the one university in Stavropol region, where the festival is celebrated by students together with the Rector and the Region Education Minister and the chief of Stavropol Administration Board of Education”.

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