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Mister of the University - 2013


March 22, 2013 in the auditorium of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was a competition, "Mister of University - 2013." He is traditionally one of the most anticipated and impressive events of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Every year the show becomes more fascinating and intriguing, who will be the winner, all the more exciting. "Mr. University" - it is an honor for each participant to represent his department, and the opportunity to show off their talents, and discover new opportunities.

9 brave men from all faculties of the University competed for the right to have a major title, showing the audience and the jury not only beautiful appearance, but intelligence, ingenuity, originality, and creativity.

In the first contest, "Mr. Gentleman" contestants left in the original hand-made tuxedo to reflect the individuality of each of the participants. But the jury had to assess not only the appearance and originality of the guys but their answers to the questions of the leader of the contest - Ivan Maklakov. In the next stage, "Mr. on the beach," young people are brought in beach images and talked about how they are queen of the beach.

One of the most important phases is "Mr. Creativity". Participants were to show the judges and the audience their talents in their entirety. The numbers were very different. Whether it's the magnificent dancing, charming play the saxophone and piano, reading verses of his composition or a fantastic voice - and the participants and their assistants gave it one hundred percent. Almost all contestants received a perfect score from the judges for creative performance.

In the last stage with the title of "Mr. Classic" contestants demonstrated their ability to appear in a classically simple manner.

Intrigue, which will become the title of "Mr. University - 2013" persisted until the last moment. As a result, were distributed as follows. "The second vice Mr. University" - a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Eugene Strekalov.

"The first vice Mr. University" and holder of the title "Mr. Photo" - economics student Oleg Smolin.

But victory came at once two of the participants. Title of «Mr. University - 2013» is now a student of Agricultural Mechanization Faculty Andrey Savelyev and a student of Agronomy Faculty Igor Tishchenko.

Participants and their fans were satisfied, and the audience for a long time cannot forget such a wonderful show.

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