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Meeting of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the student activists


April 3, 2013 a meeting of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V. I. Trukhachev with student activists and representatives of the university students' ethnic groups.

One of the issues discussed by the participants was the conflict between the young people of Karachay-Cherkessia and Ingush republics. Recall that on 31 March 2013 in Stavropol near the Palace of Culture and Sports between the two nations clashed on domestic incident, converted to impermanent fight. There were 19 people participated, and one of them shot up from a traumatic gun. One of the participants of the event was a student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Erkenov M., who was expelled from the University of the order of April 2, 2013 for acts prejudicial to the rank of the student.

"We must realize that our former students have now committed unlawful acts that are unacceptable in a state of law. Now he will be subjected to administrative detention for 15 days, but that his sentence is over. In fact, he crossed his future and that of their future children, who have been convicted of the father "- said the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor V. I. Trukhachev.

Chairman of the Board of ethnic Stavropol State Agrarian University, 5th year student of the Agronomy Faculty Madina Satybalova voiced the official position of the Council: "We have a negative attitude to this situation and condemn those who take part in public disorder. Ethnic Council of the University encourages all students to join. If we are together, we are strong and, I believe, later in life it is only useful for us. "

Maintaining the position of the Council, a student of Economic Faculty, Temerlan Baykulov noted that we must always be mindful to our parents and to be worthy of them."

A student of Veterinary Faculty, Kirsan Mandzhiev agreed with it: "We must also remember that, what our parents sent us to Stavropol than more that we study at the university. There are all the conditions here in order that we can express ourselves to learn more about the traditions of other nations. But our main goal - to get the knowledge and when we will return home, we can work for the good of the Republic, for the benefit of Russia. "

Chairman of the student union committee of SSAU Nikolai Golovin also appealed to all students of the university: "The studentship is not only easy and funny time, but also responsibility. You represent not only yourself but also your institution, the Rector, the parents. Students have no nationality, we are the students of the university, which has a tradition, and you must maintain and prove to all the students of our university will never break the law and are always happy family. "

Associate Professor of Philosophy V. I. Kurchev reminded to the students that they represent here the people, and they "need to try to show it at its best. And it can be done in education, science, and sports. "

"As a senior, as a father, as rector, who wants to give you a way in life, please, talk with your friends, colleagues and tell them that now you have the time when you need to do the right thing, the right choice and understand that your errors made by now, will not get hit by someone, but for you, "- concluded the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I.Trukhachev at the meeting.

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