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Students actively celebrated the World Health Day.


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took the most active part in a past celebration of the Day of Health on 5th of April, 2013.

The university delegation from more than 30 students and the department  staff of physical training and sports together with  the representatives from Stavropol Administration and deputies of City Council and students of other higher education institutions of the city took part in the run devoted to the World Health day. The coaches of the SSAU team: senior teacher of physical training department and L.V. Miroshnichenko and associate professor I.R. Tarasenko.

Also students of the Stavropol SAU took part in the sports meetings which took place on the Komsomolskiy pond, in art-site  on Marshal Zhukov St., and in a dancing flashmob on Lenin Square.

And the man's national teams of the University took the first and second place in a festival in street basketball among the highest and secondary educational institutions of  Stavropol and the Region, which has passed on the same day in the Park of Victory.

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