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The students held the exhibitions devoted to the University outstanding scholars


Since the 1st to the 10th April the exhibitions devoted to the University outstanding scholars were held in the University History Museum. Students of all University faculties found out about biography, academic interest and merits of Academicians Nikolay Ivanovitch Vavilov and Alexander Alexandrovitch Nikonov. Their memorial plates hang on the front of SSAU administration building.

The story about academician Mikhail Fedorovitch Ivanov was of special interest; his workplace is represented in the University History Museum.

Also students found out about biography, academic research and university work of Alexander Nikolaevitch Kornilov, Doctor of Science in Agriculture, professor, honoured scientist of the RSFSR, the head of Crop Science Department (1958-1975).

During the thematic exhibition “University outstanding scholars” there were also represented other biographies: Sergey Nikolaevitch Nikolskiy, Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor, honoured scientist of the RSFSR, the head of  Parasitology and Vet-sanitary examination Department (1947-1982), Vadim Ivanovitch Tiulpanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, the head of Soil Sciences Department (1977-2000), Fedor Ivanovitch Bobryishev, Doctor of Science in Agriculture, professor, the head of  Breeding and Seed Growing Department (1974-1999). The Departments of Parasitology, Vet-sanitary examination, Anatomy and Pathoanatomy of Vet Medicine Faculty and Departments of Soil Sciences, Seed Growing, Product storage technique and Crop Research of Agronomy Faculty are named after these scientists.

The thematic exhibition was organized and held by active participants of Student Center of civil and patriotic education “Patriot”:


- Svetlitchnaya Ekaterina, 1st course of Accounting and Financial Faculty;

- Zinovieva Alyona, 1st course of Plant Protection Faculty;

- Abakumova Marina, 1st course of Accounting and Financial Faculty;

- Kazakova Viktoriya, 1st course of Accounting and Financial Faculty;

- Gotchileva Aminat, 1st course of Accounting and Financial Faculty;

- Uzdenova Zukhra, 1st course of Accounting and Financial Faculty;

- Petrova Viktoriya, 1st course of  Economy Faculty.


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