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The medal "Unconquered" was handed out to former underage prisoners of concentration camps.


April 11, 2013, on the International Day of Nazi concentration camps liberation in Stavropol State Agrarian University was organized the honoring of former underage prisoners of concentration camps.

This year, the administration and Stavropol and town’s Veterans Council made a joint decision as a sign of respect and remembrance to invite those who at a young age have experienced the horrors of Nazi concentration camps. There are 76 former underage prisoners in Stavropol. Eleven of them were handed out medals in April 10, 2013 by the mayor Andrew Dzhatdoev.

31 veterans came to a ceremony in Stavropol State Agrarian University. The first deputy head of the administration of Stavropol Ivan Ulyanchenko and chairman of the Veterans of Victor Kozachenko handed them over a silver medals "Unconquered". Opening the ceremony, Ivan Ulyanchenko noted that "this medal - is a sign of deep respect for all of you who have experienced the horrors of war, this medal is a symbol of devotion and loyalty of the then children of their country and you will always remain "Unconquered"

 "This day is a great holiday for me. This is a day of remembrance and respect for all those people who have survived and live contrary to logic, but by the force of his character, "- thanked one of the awardees, a former prisoner of Nazi camp Sachsenhausen Michael Bubovich.

In several days the medals will be awarded to the former minor prisoners of concentration camps who have difficulty to move independently. District heads will reward them at home.



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