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Participation in the Forum of rectors and presidents of Russian and Dutch universities


From April 11 to April 13, 2013 the rector of the Stavropol state Agrarian university, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev as a part of official Russian delegation participated in the Forum of rectors and presidents of Russian and Dutch universities. The forum took place in Amsterdam within a year of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Russian Federation and year of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The organizer of the Forum was the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The forum took place with support of the Ministry of Education, culture and science of the Netherlands in partnership with Association of universities of the Netherlands (VSNU).

The Stavropol state agrarian university - the only agrarian higher education institution of Russia which was a part of delegation from 28 leaders of the Russian higher educational institutions.

During a forum rectors of higher education institutions of Russia and Netherlands shared their professional experience, discussed possible prospects of further interaction. Also participants of delegation visited leading universities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Giving of system and innovative character to all complex of interuniversity communications of Russia and the Netherlands, definition of priority areas of interaction of universities of two countries, discussion of new prospects and expansion of organizational forms of mutually beneficial cooperation became the main task of a forum. 

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