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Agricultural science for the North Caucasus Federal District


April 18, 2013. 77-th Annual Scientific Conference "Agricultural science for the North Caucasus Federal District" was held in Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The event was attended by the rector of the SSAU, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, member of Stavropol Territory Duma Vladimir Trukhachev, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, chairman of Education and Science Committee of Stavropol Duma Ludmila Kuzyakova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory, Yuri Serbin, head of soil treatment laboratory of Stavropol Research Institute (Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences), PhD Yuri Kuzychenko.

Opening the 77-th Annual Scientific Conference, the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian V. Trukhachev noted that "science and research are the foundation of our university. This is the activity of all our lives; this is our pride and strong theoretical support in the practical educational process of the university. But we must clearly recognize that we live in an era of great global changes in the sphere of science and education, and therefore set ourselves the goals, objectives and strategic directions of the scientific activity of the University".

The Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the Stavropol Territory Duma L. Kuzyakova in his speech wished all the scientists of the University "a rain of grants, because only the artist creates masterpieces when hungry. A scientist who does not have enough money can do little to the results of his research were published".

During the first day of the conference, participants heard reports from the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory V. Serbin "Status and prospects of investment in the agricultural sector of the Stavropol Territory" another speaker is the head of soil processing laboratory of "Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture" Y. Kuzychenko "Improving basic of soil for crops field rotations in different soil types of Stavropol Territory". Another speakers were: doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of "Processes and machines in agribusiness" N. Rudenko with the report "Innovative technological and technical solutions for soil and crop"; Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor of pharmacology and therapy, Dean of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, V. Belyaev with the report " Prospects for transgenesis and cloning of farm animals for the Russian agro-industrial complex"; head of the department of ecology and landscape construction, doctor of science, professor I. Lysenko with the report "Analysis of the biological resources of the Stavropol Territory"; PhD, associate professor of tourism and service department K. Mikhailova with the report "Prospects for development of eco-tourism and eco - farming in Stavropol Territory."

The conference was attended by 280 people. During the work on the 11 sections and 43 subsections 597 papers were presented 

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