The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university. " /> The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university. " /> The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university. " /> The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university. " />
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Participants of the competition "U.M.N.I.K. − 2013" have been celebrated at STGAU

The rewarding of the All-Russian competition "U.M.N.I.K − 2013" winners ceremonytook place on April 24, 2013at the Stavropol state agrarian university.
Galina ValentinovnaTkacheva, the first deputy chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Dmitry NikolaevichSudavtsov, the vice-chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Victor IvanovichLozovoi, the chairman of committee of the Duma of Stavropol Krai by Training and Science, professor Lyudmila MikhailovnaKuzyakova, the Minister of Education of Stavropol Krai, the doctor of sociological sciences ValentinaPetrovnaSolonina, the chairman of committee of Stavropol Krai for youth Irina NikolaevnaShatskaya, the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai Sergey DmitriyevichRidny, the deputy minister of economic development of Stavropol KraiAndreyFedorovichChekryzhenkov, the Deputy Minister of Energy, Energetics Industry and communication of Stavropol Krai Dmitry VladimirovichTolmachyov congratulate young scientists and inventors.
"We are proud of talented youth of Stavropol Krai. You are our future. The government of Stavropol Krai is ready to support and develop young talented, scientists", - said Galina ValentinovnaTkacheva, the Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Krai.
- When they ask me a question: «Whether there is at Russia a future, force, power?», - I answer: «Yes! It is in this hall! It is you, those who moves the science today!» – the Minister of Education of Stavropol KraiValentinaPetrovnaSolonina emphasized. – I wish well to you and enthusiasm! Let you always be accompanied by success!
More than hundred students and young scientists from leading higher education institutions of Stavropol Krai took part in the competition “U.M.N.I.K.-2013’’. They presented work on the following directions: information technologies, future medicine, modern materials and technologies of their creation, new devices and hardware complexes, biotechnologies.
The winners are seven students and young scientists of STGAU:
- the student of the Economical Faculty Alexander Baydakov who has developed in the direction N 1 "Information technologies" information technology "Practical Forecasting". The young scientist set to himself a task to popularize instruments of forecasting, making them available for masses. Uniqueness of his research is that besides now scientific methods of forecasting practically aren't used at the enterprises of the small and average sizes, and Alexander suggests to solve this problem by global popularization. For this purpose a program platform was created, which can be used in online mode. It can allow any person without special education to construct the simple economic forecast (for example, profits, losses, how many and what exactly to produce, what is the price) and, in need of more difficult research, to receive the expert's help;
- the student of Electrical Power Faculty Sergey Bondarenko who has developed in the direction N 1 "Information technologies" the innovative electronic magazine for young scientists “YScience”. The project is directed on stimulation of young scientists to publications, increase of their impact-factor. The special software complex will collect and process publications, and also automatically check them in the "Antiplagiat" system. Similar computer programs were never applied earlier to specialized scientific periodicals;
- the undergraduate of the and Financial faculty Alexander Shavernev who has developed in the direction N 1 "Information technologies" information system of support of decision-making "BUSINESS ASSISTANT". The system will allow a beginning businessmen to get information on need of opening of certain type of business in a certain city district, it will specify the most effective place for business placement, will help to receive data on sale or leasing of commercial or municipal real estate in the next radius from a point recommended by the program, will help to pick up qualified personnel and to find the special equipment to start business;
- the student of Veterinary Faculty Anastasia Dorokhina who has developed in the direction N 2 "Future medicine", a method of correction of pathological conditions of the man's reproductive system, considering a stage of inflammatory process. This method allows to create the complex drug containing an antibiotic and components, which change a permeability of blood-tissue interfaces of a prostate and testis at a certain stage of inflammatory process;
- the assistant to of the Department of Processing Equipment in Livestock and Processing Enterprises of the Farm mechanization Facully Vladimir Kuzminov who has prepared developed in the direction N 4 "New devices and complexes", technology of selection of biologically valuable seeds of crops according the level of their physiological ripeness. Quality of seeds is established by state standard specification, where the viability of seeds is the main indicator, however the fact that the seeds can differ in their physiological ripeness usually isn't considered. Modern technologies on preparation of seeds for crops at special plants also don't guarantee selection of biologically valuable seeds on level of their physiological ripeness. Innovation of idea of Vladimir is that the system of individual control of each seed separately, applied in the equipment for cleaning of a sowing material from impurity, will be implemented with block containing the new principle of selection of biologically valuable seeds on level of their physiological ripeness. As a result it becomes an effective and low-cost factor of receiving big and steady crops;
- the assistant of "Processes and machines in Agrobusiness" Department Farm of mechanization Faculty Gennady Shmatko who has developed in direction N 4 "New devices and complexes" a computer control system for working parts of a combine harvester". Automatic control will change in dependence of conditions of harvesting and a condition of grain weight. Equipment of a combine harvester by this system will allow to reduce losses of seeds when harvesting in bad weather conditions, to reduce seeds damage and to increase productivity of a combine harvester, and also to cut down expenses on fuel and lubricants;
- the attending physician of Therapy and Pharmacology Department of Veterinary Medicine faculty Igor Zaichenko who has developed in the direction N 5 "Biotechnologies" a new, more precise, fast and safe method of intestinal parasites diagnostics, which is also very cheap. It will be demanded by all types of veterinary laboratories and clinics, medical institutions and research institutes not only in Russia. Now generally the coprological survey technologies developed still in the 30-60th years of last century is used.
Special prizes were presented to participants of the competition "U.M.N.I.K.-2013". Roman Shabanov, Igor Devederkin, Ekaterina Sedykh.
Twenty participants of the competition were given the title "U.M.N.I.K. of Stavropol Krai". Among students and young scientists of STGAU are:
- in the direction N 1 "Information technologies" the student of Financial Faculty AnjelicaPrytkova who has developed the automated program complex "Information and Functional Investment Internet Platform";
- in the direction N 4 "New devices and complexes", the assistant of Electrical Power Faculty Ekaterina Golubnitskaya who has developed the intelligent exercise machine for research of automated control systems
- in the direction N of 5 "Biotechnologies" the senior teacher of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction of plant Protection Faculty Julius Mandra with technology of a complex assessment of environmental quality the basis of application of biodiagnostics methods and the student of Veterinary medicine Faculty Tatyana Chernova who has developed a complex preparation for prevention and treatment of obstetric and gynecologic complications at agricultural animals.
Chief specialist of the Small Business Development Assistance foundation in the scientific and technical sphere according to the U.M.N.I.K. program, the curator of North Caucasus federal district VyacheslavOlegovichDemchenko, finishing rewarding ceremony, had asked to raise hands of those winners of competition which could enter into number of prize-winners only from the second time: "Look at them, these are those people who showed persistence, didn't lower a hand, came here and achieved a success. I assure you that if not from the first, then from the second time if you have a good project and you considered the stated remarks, you surely win."
The First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai Sergey DmitriyevichRidny agrees with it: "Young talented people were, is and will be forever! You shouldn't be upset if someone didn't win today. You have everything ahead! Don'tstoponthereached. I wishyousuccess!".
The rector of the Stavropol GAU, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the professor, the deputy of Stavropol Krai Duma Vladimir IvanovichTrukhachev, said "It is necessary to participate everywhere, in all competitions. Day to plan a subject for next competition. To have success it is necessary to be able to make correctly the demand, to build the position, to present the idea and to win by both beautiful words, and beautiful affairs".

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