On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU". " /> On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU". " /> On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU". " /> On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU". " />
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Patriotic actions took place in a museum of history of university on the eve of the Victory Day

On the eve of the Victory Day from April 22 to April 26 in a museum of history of university, the student's center of civil and patriotic education "Patriot" prepared and carried out the readings "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of SSAU". 

The thematic exposition of a museum of history of the university, devoted to the Great Patriotic War, was presented to students. Guests of the museum learned about stories of construction of a monument "Eternal glory to students, teachers and the staff of the Stavropol agricultural institute who have fallen on fronts of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" which is in a yard of the university, and also about its copy located in a museum of history of the university. Particular interest in students caused the Banner of a victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War which copy is also submitted in a museum. 

In thematic excursion "Veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War – employees of STGAU" the biographies of veterans were presented: 

Bugaychenko Nikolay Vladimirovich who worked as the associate professor of agricultural cars of faculty of mechanization of agriculture (1965-1998); 

Katrich Boris Danilovich who worked as the assistant to chair of physics (1975-1984); 

Redkokashina of Ivan Emelyanovich who was the student of zootechnical faculty (1950-1955); 

Myshko Alexey Grigoryevich who worked as the professor of chair of accounting of economics department (1967-2009); 

Sidortsov Vladimir Ignatyevich who worked as the professor of chair of sheep breeding, zoology and zoohygiene of faculty of technological management (1999-2010); 

Shakhzadov Nestor Makarovich who worked as the associate professor of plant growing of agronomical faculty (1965-1998). 

Dear veterans! On the eve of Day of the Great Victory please, accept sincere congratulations from students of the Stavropol state agrarian university and a wish of a good health, wellbeing and the peace sky over the head. Happy holiday!

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