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Spring week of good


Volunteers of TOLK group and activists of SSAU began the week of good with participation on April 20, 2013 in the All-Russian community work day, where together with committee on affairs of youth cleared the territory about movie theater "MIR" and took out about 40 bags of garbage, and also cleaned the territory about pond Yelagin.

Within a week of good students from the TOLK volunteer group participated in a special quest game, Day of the Donor and in a city action "Together for silence!", where together with the staff of road police urged to observe the regional law on silence on roads. Students also prepared the wall newspapers and posters, gave a master class "Good around us", within the stock "To the aid of our university", cleaned and planted trees and shrubs in the university territory, brought a cleanness at faculties.

On April 24, 2013 in a framework of "Week of good" at faculty of veterinary medicine took place an action propagandizing a healthy lifestyle, and also students were told about importance of a family institute and of its problems in modern society. On a family and moral values the brisk discussion took place. Disks with Vasily Yatsky's useful scientific author's movies were handed over to all wishing students. The author of scientific movies carried out dialogue with students.

On April 25, 2013 students of the group took part in sports team running "A friendship marathon", passed for promotion of a healthy lifestyle and strengthening of the friendly relations among youth of the different nationalities living in Stavropol Krai. The volunteer group "TOLK" assisted in carrying out action, and participants of SSAU took 1st place.

On April 26, 2013 the group within performance of the social task received after passing a quest game, held a concert in the Stavropol center of the social help to a family and children, where not only children, but also their parents were loaded with excellent mood. Employees and visitors of the center expressed gratitude to the students and wished that such actions took place as often as possible.

The action "Spring Week of Good" is carried out since 1997. It combines efforts of thousands volunteers of Russia for realization of socially significant actions, gratuitous assistance to needing people, the organizations of charitable affairs. The action became the all-Russian platform for consolidation of efforts of public organizations, authorities and community business in development of volunteering, advance of universal values of mercy, good and mutual aid. 

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