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Easter congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university

Easter congratulation of the rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university
Dear friends!
Heartily I congratulate you on a holiday of Easter Sunday!

Lightful Christ's Ressurection is fanned by breath of spring, gives spiritual pleasure and hope, strengthens belief, fills hearts of people with good feelings of mercy and compassion. On Easter holiday the nature is updated − all live wakens, the world is filled with a sunlight and heat, reminding that each person is born for good and creation.

I wish you completion of hopes and good undertakings. Let the Lord on this beautiful day fill heart with pleasure, peace and love!

Christ has Risen!

Rector of the Stavropol state

agrarian university,

corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences,

professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai 

 Vladimir I.Trukhachev

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