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Meeting with the Olympic champion in basketball Evgeny Gomelsky


On May 7, 2013 students of Stavropol State Agrarian University met with the Olympic champion in basketball, repeated champion of Europe, Honoured trainer of the USSR and Russia, candidate of pedagogical sciences, president of man’s basketball club “Dinamo” (Moscow) Evgeny Yakovlevich Gomelsky.

He told to the students about his way into sport and his elder brother Alexander Gomelsky’s (also outstanding basketball trainer) influence on his professional development. But healthy lifestyle and necessity of daily sport activities for each person became the main topic of the conversation.

“You study at a wonderful university which has remarkable, unique facilities for sport”, Evgeny Yakovlevich addressed to the students. “Physical activity is the best way to stay healthy. And it is optional to set up records, to lift heavy weight, it is important to be toned. It is necessary in the modern world to support students’ sport at a high level. It is not only health, but also unification, communication. The attitude of the head of the university to this issue is also important. I consider defective those rectors who handle sport “so far as”. But you are lucky. Vladimir Ivanovich is a person who is in love with sport”.

The well-known trainer also answered the questions of those present. For example, the students were interested in the most memorable moment of Evgeny Gomelsky’s sport career. “After the gold Olympic medal, he answered, a great recognition in the basketball world became for me the inclusion of my name in the Hall of Fame of the International Federation of Basketball. It reflects the recognition of my work and the attitude to me and to the country. And when I entered this hall I felt proud of Russia”.

At parting Evgeny Yakovlevich wished to the students to take care of themselves, to go in for sports both independent and together with friends, to read, to pay attention to the native language, to be proud of the Homeland and to be respectful to each other.

Evgeny Gomelsky also presented a diploma to the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev for his personal contribution to development of basketball and younger generation education. 

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