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Victory in the Presidential program


The Stavropol state agrarian university will take part in implementation of the Presidential program of professional development of engineering personnel. The decision was made by a contest committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It finished consideration of the applications presented by higher educational institutions of the country.

The required competitive documentation was prepared by Institute of additional professional education of the Stavropol state agrarian university. Its basis was the program of additional professional education "Engineering and technical support of energy efficiency and resource-saving in agro-industrial manufacturing" which was developed by the stuff of faculty of mechanization of agriculture under the leadership of the associate professor A. V. Orlyansky.

According to this program for the period of 2013 22 technician workers of state farm of a name of Kirov, collective farms "Russia" and "Kazminsky" will pass professional development in the Stavropol state agrarian university. They will study the modern technologies of resource-saving, applied in agriculture, features of the equipment and technics used for increasing the energy efficiency of production.

Engineers of these farms should also pass the training at the most modern enterprises making the equipment for the agrarian sphere, including the foreign plants. Developers of the program of additional professional education also took care of it.

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