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The victory in «A Green Marathon» was won by SSAU student


On May 18, 2012 the Day of Stavropol Territory, in Stavropol the strategic partner of the Stavropol State Agrarian University JSC Sberbank of the Russian Federation hold the sportive family holiday «A Green Marathon», dated for the forthcoming of XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, 2014. The fans of a healthy lifestyle from 42 large cities of Russia, including in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan run on distance 4,2 kilometers. More than 550 people participated in the regional center of running. "Green Marathon" is a unique holiday. All its participants are united by such values as a healthy lifestyle, sports and care of those places in which we live and we work.

After completion of opening ceremony the marathon began from the green arch in Victory park of Stavropol. Athletes, children with parents, representatives of the senior generation took part in competotion.

From first minutes the column from the running stretched on more then one hundred meters and was divided into some groups in which almost all running people could compete generally with each other. Leaders of race escaped forward from the beginning and were unattainable.

The student of 3 cours, Faculty of Protection of Plants of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the master of sports on track and field athletics Elena Zhilkina became the gold medallist among women.

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