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The work of School of a student's front-line began


On May 17, 2013 350 the most talented and active students from all faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered for solemn opening of the XIX School of a Student's front-line «Youth leader SGAU − 2013».

Within three days children should pass master classes, psychological trainings and games on acquaintance, unity of collective and development of leader abilities, cheerful tests for dexterity, sharpness, ingenuity and skill.

The participants were divided into 10 groups, each of which represented the certain city. At solemn opening each of groups presented the name and the motto. As a result students’ activists «lodged» in such cities, as Solntsegrad, Nebesnui, Blagorodsk, Yarkograd, Olympyiskiy, Bogatyrsk, Volgograd, the Krasnoe Znamya, Serdce Rossii, Agrograd.

The rector, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev greeted the participants of the XIX School of a student's front-line «Youth leader SGAU − 2013». He said: «To me, to all deans of faculties, to your teachers it is very joyful that all of you have such remarkable opportunity to rally, make friends, and learn new skills. You surely have to use all opportunities which the Agrarian University gives you. And I want to wish you that everything will be as you want it». 

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