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SSAU participated in a regional exhibition of breeding sheep and goats


Stavropol state agrarian university took active part in the 48-th regional exhibition of breeding sheep and goats (17 -18 of May).

Among exhibitors of an exhibition are innovative development of scientists of SSAU, LLC SPA «Steviana» production: dry leaf of a stevia, phytotea, and also the ornamental plants which have been grown up in a hothouse complex of Stavropol state agrarian university, Dyomino village.

The official delegation of the government of Stavropol Krai with the vice governor, the Prime Minister I.I. Kovalev, Deputy Prime Minister N.T. Velikdan, the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Yu.V. Bely, the Minister of Agriculture A. V. Martychev examined an exposition of Stavropol SAU at the official opening of the exhibition

Following the results of exhibition work Stavropol SAU got the gratitude of the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai for active participation in carrying out the 48th regional exhibition of breeding sheep and goats. 

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