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Three universities took part in the online seminar which has taken place in SSAU


On May 21, 2013 the interuniversity online seminar "Problems of functioning and the direction of development of agrarian and industrial complex in Russia in the conditions of the WTO" took place. Students, undergraduates and teachers of three higher education institutions became its participants: Stavropol SAU, Oryol SAU and Kursk SAA. Event was held within the contract on creative cooperation between chairs "Financial Accounting" of the Stavropol SAU and "Accounting and audit" the Oryol SAU.

Discussion of the key questions connected with adaptation of the Russian agriculture to procedures and rules of the WTO became the purpose of an online seminar. Joining of the Russian Federation to the WTO causes the opposite points of view. Participants of action actively discussed pressing problems which the agriculture of Russia faced.

On behalf of the Stavropol state agrarian university spoke: the professor, the head of the chair "Statistics and econometrics" Alexey Nikolaevich Gerasimov with the report "Branch aspects of Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization"; the managing professor of "Economic Analysis and Audit" chair Marina Genrikhovna Leshcheva on a subject: "Regional features of membership of Russia in the World Trade Organization"; the associate professor of "Accounting management accounting" chair Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev with the report "Macroeconomic consequences of Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization"; the student of the 5th course of accounting and finance faculty of the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" Diana Kalashova, with the analysis of an economic situation of the agricultural organizations of Stavropol Krai at the time of accession to WTO".

Representatives of the Oryol state agrarian university also took part in seminar work: director of the Oryol branch NAUFOR Sergey Vasilyevich Zaytsev, chair manager of "Finance, Investments and Credit" Olga Vasilyevna Popova, 2-year undergraduates Lyudmila Belenkova, Elena Maslennikova, Natalia Protasenko, 5th-year student Angelina Baranova.

On behalf of Kursk state agricultural academy of a name of professor I.I.Ivanov spoke: manager of Bukhgaltersky Uchet chair, professor L. F.Maslovskaya; 2nd-year student E. M. Ivanov, 3rd-year student A.S. Novikov, 2nd-year student O. S. Zhmakin's, 1st-year student A.Yu.Shkabenko, 3rd-year student L.V. Abolmasov's.

The special attention during the action was paid to regional aspects of rendering the state support to agricultural producers in the conditions of membership of Russia in the WTO.

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