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The season of intra university league of Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted (KVN) panel games came to the end


On May 21, 2013 at the Stavropol state agrarian university the ending of intra university league took place. During the whole season the teams of all faculties fought for participation in this game. In the ending 5 teams passed: electrical power faculty, registration and financial faculty, faculty of mechanization of agriculture, agronomical faculty and national team of faculties of economic and hospitality business and tourism.

Teams showed brilliant game and a light humour in three competitions: a greeting, biathlon and musical homework.

Estimates to children put eminent KVN players, media persons of Stavropol and university partners: the leader of the REN-TV channel main news Sergey Nadein, the editor of the Stavropol league Oleg Korotky, the representative of the "Tsifrograd" company Xenia Kravchenko, the founder of KVN movement in SSAU Yury Zubenko, the participant of the Highest league of KVN in a line-up "Pyramid" (Vladikavkaz), the editor of regional league of MS KVN "Caucasus" Zaur Baytsayev.

On the general result of game on the fifth place team of faculty of mechanization of agriculture, on the fourth − the picked team of faculties of economics and hospitality business and tourism, the third place got to the agronomical faculty, the second were players of accounting and finance faculty, and the team of electrical power faculty became the champion of intra university league of KVN of SSAU−2013. The student of accounting and finance faculty Vladimir Kayvanov became the best actor.

In intra university league of KVN they honor long-term traditions of game and respect the graduates of the university who have glorified native higher education institution. On final game of league their merit was noted with the "Honourable SSAU KVN Player" medals.

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