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Youth leader SSAU−2013


Within three days from May 17 to May 19, 2013 at the XIX school of a student's front line 350 most talented and active students from all faculties of the Stavropol state agrarian university were trained.

Its organizers are student's trade-union committee and students from leaders' group "DREAM". They prepared many surprises for the wards: students passed master classes, psychological trainings and games on acquaintance, unity of collective and development of leader abilities. But it was for a start necessary to be divided into ten groups which this year became the whole cities as the school passed under the subject "My Country of Russia". Some of the cities carried the name real-life as Volgograd, but the majority of groups preferred an assumed name. And there were cities of Suncity, Heaven, Noble, Bright-city, Olympic, Bogatyrsk, the Red banner, Heart of Russia, Agrograd.

At opening which was visited by the rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor V. I.Trukhachev, each group submitted the name, the motto and showed the dexterity, having built by all group in a city figure symbol.

After opening the children met with cheerful tests for dexterity, sharpness, ingenuity and skill. For example, they should pass a war game in which for passing of stations students checked the knowledge of the Great Patriotic War, guessed shots from military movies, recognized commanders according to the photo, did a group banner. The brain ring on erudition which was carried out by library workers of university became fascinating test also.

On master classes students learned secrets of business and innovative technologies, mastered skills of self-presentation, talked how to lead a healthy lifestyle and discussed a problem of the international relations. How to become the popular blogger to participants of school the teacher of forums "Seliger", "Selias", "Volga" Igor Shipayev told. Actively passed the training of the participant of the Highest league of KVN Murad Erkenov where students mastered acting. The chairman of "Tolk" group Ekaterina Voytysheva shared the experience of volunteering and social design. The master class to children was carried out also by regional curators of federal projects "Young Guard of the United Russia". On training of the vice-chairman of federation of labor unions Andrey Kovalenko students learned how they will be able to protect the interests at disputes with the employer.

The representatives of youth electoral committee of Stavropol Krai didn't begin to be limited to a framework of hour occupation and arranged real elections. Each of ten candidates tried to convince the voters of what he is worthy to become a president. On the general results of honest and transparent vote the convincing victory was won by the student of agronomical faculty Sergey Hodzhoyan.

The director of the North Caucasus youth forum of "Mashuk−2013", the chairman of youth parliament of Stavropol Krai Sergey Tchernyshov became the long-awaited guest of school of a student's front line. On its master classhe told about preparation of projects to "Mashuk" forum .

And if days were saturated to active absorption of knowledge and development of abilities, in the evening for participants of action there came creativity time. At the Talents of Russia festival they struck each other with vocal skill, and evening of friendship was devoted to recitation, conversations and songs about this feeling.

A peculiar result of school was brought also – children defined "SSAU Youth Leaders". These are students of economics faculty Sergey Sidorov, Elena Metlashevskaya, Julius Bazhanov, Oleg Smolin, students of agronomical faculty Sergey Hodzhoyan, Alexander Gryaznykh and Ekaterina Pashkov, the student of electrical power faculty Sergey Beglaryan, the student of faculty of mechanization of agriculture George Ayvazov and the student of accounting and finance faculty Irina Tarasova.

The students couldn't but note the best leaders of the 19th school of a student's trade-union front line. The student of faculty of mechanization of agriculture Alexander Babkin and the student of economics department Maria Maksimenko became those leaders. Also the best organizers were called: the students of economics department Tatyana Sazantseva and Ilya Stelmakhov.

"The school of a student's front line gives one more opportunity to already developed leaders to prove themselves, their talents, to find new friends and, of course, to acquire new knowledge. Therefore "SSAU Youth Leader" − one of the most favourite actions of our students in which they always take part with great pleasure", − summed up action the chairman of student's trade-union committee of university Nikolay Golovin.

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