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The Flame of World Student Games 2013 arrived in SGAU


At 11:00 the courtyard of Stavropol State Agrarian University meets the Olympic torch relay of World Student Games’ Flame.

«Such events occur very seldom in the world. And, I think we will become aware of the importance of this event after a time. And I thank the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Valery Georgievich Zerenkov and Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government, Sergei Nikolaevich Asadchev who entrusted the start of Olympic torch relay to the Agrarian University. And now we will start our Regional Student Games. We will hold competitions on streetball, beach volleyball, chess, table tennis, arm-sports and weight lifting» - Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev welcomed all who came to the festival of sport.

The Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory S.N. Asadchev told the students: «The long-awaited, historic moment has come. Two cities- Stavropol and Pyatigorsk- takes the Olympic torch relay of the World Student Games’ Flame. And I am pleased to welcome you, students from the most sportive Stavropol University – Agrarian University, on this celebration! ».

The First Deputy of the Head of Stavropol I.I. Ulianchenko called the torch relay of World Student Games’ Flame the symbol of consolidation of all students and congratulated Agrarian University with the fact that it starts here: «And it is deservedly, because the Agrarian University is not only the pride of Stavropol but also the pride of Russia!».

In 14:00 the World Student Games torch will be lit and the relay of the Flame will start.

The Olympic torch relay of 27th World Summer Student Games 2013 in Kazan is hold under the slogan «The Shining of stars is in your hands». It started on July 12, 2012 in Paris from the Sorbonne University of Paris. The World Student Games’ Flame will overcome 104000 km (including 40,000 km in Russia), will visit the five parts of the world, in 51 cities of the world for 359 days. 2013 torchbearers will take part in the relay, more than 1.5 million of students. The Flame came to the territory of Russia on January 25 2013. Since that time, the students from all large students’ centres pass each other the torch from one University to another, from one city to another.

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