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Looking up to winners!


May surprisingly was given saturated for students and young scientists of agrarian university. Carrying out the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists became one of those sign events. Competition is held in three stages. Following the results of carrying out the second stage passing in April, 2013, our 8 students and young scientists passed in the competition ending.

The third stage of competition began on May 20 and will come to the end on May 29. It will pass in different Russian higher education institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

On May 20-21the competition took place in Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy in the Management and Economy directions. On its results the 4th-year student of accounting and finance faculty Anna Nemirovchenko won first place in the nomination "Economy", the 3rd-year student of economics department Evgeny Hodorich took the third place in the same nomination.

On May 21 in Saratov State Agrarian University passed a competition in the Technical science direction. Dmitry Mamay, the graduate student of the third year of training of faculty of mechanization of agriculture, won the third place.

On May 23 competition takes place in the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. The 4th-year student of agronomical faculty Ekaterina Fedoseyev participates in competition in the Natural resources management. And in the same day in the Moscow State University of Nature Arrangement – the 4th-year student of plants protection faculty became participant in the Nature Arrangement and Water Use direction.

On May 28 competition there will pass in the Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Skryabin. The participant in the Veterinary science direction – Ekaterina Momotova, the 3rd-year student of faculty of veterinary medicine. On May 29 – in the Kuban State Agrarian University Alexander Ivannikov, the 5th-year student of agronomical faculty will participate in the Agrochemistry and Agrology direction.

We congratulate all who already took part in the contest. And that to whom else it is necessary, – we wish you only but victory!!! 

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