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A grandiose festival of ice cream was arranged to students by SSAU and JSC "Holod"


On May 27, 2013 in the Stavropol state agrarian university a traditional day of ice cream passed. The old partner and the friend of university "Holod" company helped to arrange a grandiose feast.

Students, the faculty and the staff of university took pleasure not only excellent taste of ice cream (and the company brought as a gift 500 briquettes of a delicacy), but also a fine concert in which the brightest creative collectives of SSAU participated. Emergence on a scene of a magnificent gift from partners of university, the real masterpiece of confectionery art – a ice cream pie weighing 100 kg became the culmination of a celebration.

The rector of the Stavropol GAU, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor V. I. Trukhachev, welcoming gathered for a holiday, reminded of the old partner and friendly relations connecting higher education institution and cold-storage facility. And representatives of JSC Holod in turn noted that graduates of SSAU please with high quality of professional training.

Student's celebrations in a courtyard of university proceeded several hours. And each guest of a holiday took pleasure in sweet gifts from the partner of higher education institution.

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