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Contest of the National system of development of scientific, creative and innovative activities of Russian youth «Integration» has been completed

The main objectives of the «National property of Russia» competition are the conservation and development of the personnel potential in the scientific and educational complex, creation of conditions for attraction and retention of the talented youth in science, technology and education, identification and protection of the most gifted ones.

In 2013 under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture), Professor, head of the agronomical chemistry and plant physiology department, Dean of the Agronomy faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university Alexander Nikolaevich Еsaulko, a 3rd-year student Gurueva Alena from the Agronomy faculty and a 2nd-year post-graduate student Ustimenko Elena became the winners in the contest with the project «Optimization of the application of doses and ways of nitrogen fertilizers for winter wheat in the Stavropol Krai».

We wish further scientific success all young scientists, who will bring more victories to our University! As it is known to everybody, it is not prestigious only to study at Stavropol state agrarian university, but also it is prestigious to manifest themselves in different spheres of creativity, science, or social life.

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