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University solemn rewarding of young leaders in the Stavropol State Agrarian University


On May 28, 2013 University solemn rewarding of young leaders of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took place in a courtyard of the University . Winners were determined according to the results of the XIX Student's trade-union asset school work.

During three days 350 most talented and active students from all faculties of the Stavropol SAU passed this training.

Children themselves called the names of "Youth leaders of SSAU". These were the students of Economic faculty Sergey Sidorov, Elena Metlashevskaya, Julia Bazhanova, Oleg Smolin, students of Agronomy faculty Sergey Hodzhoyan, Alexander Gryaznykh and Ekaterina Pashkova, the student of Electric power engineering faculty Sergey Beglaryan, the student of Farm mechanization faculty George Ayvazov and the student of Accounting and finance faculty Irina Tarasova.

The students marked the best leaders of the XIX Student's trade-union school. The student of the Farm mechanization faculty Alexander Babkin and the student of Economic faculty Maria Maksimenko became those leaders. Also the best organizers were called: the students of Economic faculty Tatyana Sazantseva and Ilya Stelmakhov.

Awards to winners were handed by the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Agrarian Sciences Russian Academy, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev who noted that preparation for new competitions and new victories had begun with this ceremony and wished to all the students good luck and inspiration.

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